KD Data Rack Busbar Systems 160…1000A
To power the mission critical IT infrastructures on the Data Rack Cabinets, EAE offers a highly flexible and reliable Busbar System to meet the “Scalability” challenge in the Data Centers finding the way to Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs). The Data Rack Busbar also serves for powering and metering of non-standard Cabinet Rows in data centre white space environments. Tap-Off boxes are easily able to plug-in on any point along the busbar, remove and relocate wherever necessary with vendor neutral components for energy monitoring. The choice of AI or Cu up to 6 conductors enables design and budget flexibility while the mono block joint mechanism provides peace of mind for secure and long-life operations.
KD Data Rack Features
KD Data Rack Applications
- Plug-n-Play
- Al or Cu - up to 6 Conductors
- Whisker Free Tap-Off Contacts
- AC or DC Feed
- IP 3X Protection
- Mono Block Joint Mechanism
- Snap-In Suspension Mechanism
- KD Plug-in 125A Aluminum Case Tap Off Boxes
- Tap-Off Boxes with Safe Locking Mechanism
- Tap-Off Boxes Energy Monitoring with Vendor Neutral Components
- Data Centers - White Space Area for Standard and Non-Standard Cabinet Rows
- Data Centers – Low to Medium Range Power Distribution in White Space Areas
- Data Centers – Open Channel Busbar for High Flexibility with Plug-n-Play Tap-Off Points